Epoxy Resurfacer and Urethane Flooring
Orange, MACustomer: Rexnord, Orange MA
Customers info and needs:
Rexnord manufactures very heavy valves and gates for the liquid flow industry. Most of these parts weigh over 20 tons. The floors in this facility were extremely worn and becoming unsafe to use. Rexnord needed their concrete floor completely resurfaced. They needed a concrete floor topping that would have an extremely high p.s.i. rating as well as be easy to clean, scratch resistant, light reflective and be completely flat. The project would be over 85,000sf and be broken down into 12 phases.
Our specification:
Our estimator specified a 1/4-inch thick, epoxy resurfacer. The resurfacer would be power troweled to get the best p.s.i. rating. All joints would have to be cut and caulked as the floor had much movement. Our estimator also specified a high traffic urethane floor coating as the wear surface. We also recommended yellow, epoxy traffic markings.
Our scope of work:
- Shot blast concrete to prepare for the resurfacing overlayment.
- Saw cut and chase all termination points.
- Apply a 100% solids, epoxy concrete primer.
- Apply the resurfacer at a 1/4-inch using a custom screed applicator.
- Grind entire epoxy resurfacer with concrete grinders.
- Apply a 100% solids, pigmented epoxy grout coat.
- Apply a chemical and wear resistant, urethane floor coating.
The customer was extremely pleased with our work. We were awarded over a dozen more floors at this location after completing this project.