New Roc Speedway
Public Places
Epoxy Repair Mortar and Epoxy Flooring
New York City, New YorkCustomer: New Roc Speedway, NYC
Customers info and needs:
New Roc Speedway was started by Amusement Consultants. They operate four floors at this location. They have everything from bowling to ice skating. The owners have had great success with electric go karts at other locations. They decided to demo one of the ice rinks and use that area for the new go kart track. The removal of the ice rink left the concrete damaged. The rink walls had been sunk into the slab leaving a 6-inch deep trench, 900 feet long. There was also holes and exposed re bar everywhere. Another challenge to overcome was that the concrete was at two different levels. The two levels were off by 3-inches.
We knew what Amusement Consultants needed for a floor surface. We polished and coated over 35,000 sf at there location in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Our recommendation:
We specified patching the holes and trench with an epoxy repair mortar. The worn areas had to be saw cut , removed and troweled smooth. To lessen the elevation changes we would taper from high to low with a power troweled epoxy. The areas with exposed re bar needed to be cut back, the rebar removed and the area re-troweled with epoxy. The troweled areas would then be top coated with an orange peel epoxy.
Our scope of work:
- Square off areas to be repaired and saw cut.
- Jack hammer and scarify repair areas.
- Apply an epoxy primer to all areas to be troweled.
- Hand trowel all repairs.
- Diamond grind all areas to be tapered.
- Prime all areas to be tapered.
- Power trowel an epoxy mortar to provide a smooth taper.
- Diamond grind all troweled areas to reduce trowel marks.
- Apply a 100% solids epoxy grout coat.
The customer has very happy with the floor. The installation team that installed this project was from our Southwick, MA offices.