Hoffman Audi
East Hartford, ConnecticutCustomer: Hoffman Audi, East Hartford CT
Customer info and needs: The Hoffman Auto Group decided to open an Audi Dealership in East Hartford Ct. The building would have a 12,000 sf service department. Hoffman wanted an epoxy flooring system in this area because they needed a floor surface that would be easy to clean, slip and impact resistant, durable and have a world class appearance.
Our recommendation: We specified a 1/8th inch, epoxy/urethane, shop floor system. We specified shot-blasting as the method of preparation and safety stripes around the work areas.
Our scope of work:
- Shot-blast concrete to attain the proper surface profile.
- Apply a 100% solids, pigmented epoxy primer.
- Apply a 100% solids, pigmented epoxy base coat.
- Broadcast aggregate to excess.
- Apply a 100% solids, pigmented epoxy base coat.
- Broadcast aggregate to excess.
- Apply a 100% solids, pigmented epoxy grout coat.
- Apply a 100% solids, chemical resistant urethane.
- Apply epoxy traffic stripes.
This project came out flawless. The customer was very happy.
The installation team that installed this project was from our Southwick Ma office.