Fenn Manufacturing
Epoxy and Urethane Flooring
Newington, CTCustomer: Fenn Manufacturing, Newington CT
Customer info and needs:
Fenn is mainly a defense contractor. They manufacture fight critical aviation parts. The floor surface they require, needed to be easy to clean, durable, slip resistant and present a world class look. Most of the concrete at this location had been painted with an epoxy paint every year or so. Fenn was tired with the painted look and wanted their customers to be impressed when touring the plant. The total area needing attention was approx. 90,000 sf.
Our recommendation:
We recommended shot-blasting the concrete to remove all the failing floor paint. We specified a 75 mil, epoxy/urethane flooring system. The patching of all the voids would be completed using a fast cure epoxy mortar. Yellow epoxy traffic lines would be installed as needed.
This work would be done in dozens of phases over the course of 3 years.
Our scope of work:
- Shot-blast the concrete to remove the failing paint and to provide the correct surface profile.
- Clean out all cracks and holes using jackhammers.
- Patch all holes and cracks with a fast cure epoxy repair matrix.
- Apply a pigmented epoxy concrete floor primer at a thickness of 10 mils.
- Apply a pigmented, self leveling epoxy slurry at a thickness of 60 mils.
- Apply a pigmented, chemical resistant urethane at a thickness of 5 mils.
- Apply yellow pigmented epoxy traffic markings.
We have been the only contractor to work at this facility for over fifteen years. Needless to say, this customer is very happy.
The installation crews that work in this plant have always been out of our Southwick, MA office.