Bristol, CTCustomer: ESPN Bristol, CT
Customers info and needs:
ESPN decided to renovate the 12,000sf archive room at its Bristol, CT facility. This room houses every original Walt Disney Film as well as every sporting event ever recorded. ESPN needed a floor coating that would be dust proof, easy to clean, non slip and electro-static disipative. The greatest concern on this project was dust control. The many thousands of different types of cataloged media could not be moved. Concrete Renovations had installed other floors for ESPN in the past and was honored to be chosen for this project. This project had a 6 day installation window.
Our recommendation:
Our estimator biggest concern was the completely dust free preparation process. He required that the concrete floor be prepared through a wet process. The floor coating would be Tennants SDS System. All floor joints would need to be cut and caulked.
Our scope of work:
- Wash and pre soak entire concrete floor using a ride on floor scrubber.
- Saw cut all joints issuing a wet saw.
- Install backer rod into joints and fill with a flexible polyurea.
- Wet grind entire concrete floor with walk behind floor grinders.
- Wash and scrub entire concrete floor with a ride on scrubber.
- Allow to dry completly.
- Apply ECO-MPE epoxy floor primer.
- Apply ECO-MPE epoxy floor mid-coat.
- Apply ECO-SDS Satin topcoat.
This project was completed on time and has performed perfectly.
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