Army National Guard
Customer: Army National Guard, Westfield MA
Customers info and needs:
This hanger houses the Army National Guard’s, 126th Aviation Regiment. The aircraft houses and maintained in this hanger range form Blackhawk Air Ambulances to Special Ops D.E.A. Aircraft. The State Quartermasters Office was in control of this facility. They needed a concrete flooring system that would be easy to clean, chemical and Skydrol resistant, be slip resistant and handle the extreme loads pulled over the floor. Our name was given to the Quartermasters Office by the Base Commander at Westover Air Force Base. Concrete Renovations has coated every hanger at Westover. This project also included the support, tool and parts room for the hanger. The total area was 48,000sf.
Our recommendation:
We went with a proven hanger flooring system for this project. We specified shot-blasting as the preparation method and a 45 mil, epoxy/ urethane concrete coating system. We also specified safety marking such as walkways, center wheel lines, tug markings, electrical panel stripes, fire extinguisher hash tags and eyewash boxes. We chose Tennant Coatings as the supplier.
Our scope of work:
- * Shot-blast and edge grind grind floor to provide the proper surface texture.
- *Cut and fill all expansion joints.
- *Apply a pigmented, epoxy primer at a DFT of 10 mils.
- *Apply a pigmented, self leveling epoxy coating at a DFT of 30 mils.
- *Apply a pigmented, chemical resistant urethane at a DFT of 5 mils.
- * Apply all safety markings using a pigmented epoxy.
The customer was very pleased with the floor coating and the “headache free” installation process. We have been installing hanger flooring systems and working with the military for almost 30 years. We understand, comply with and respect the safety and security procedures associated with military, civilian and commercial hangers.